Fully convinced that the Association Crescer na Palavra arose from the will and work of God, the members of the Board of Founders drafted the following Values Proposition, which we believe to be a summary of the eternal and fundamental truths that should guide the entire vision and work of the association:
1.1. Confession
We believe in the only true God revealed in the Bible. We believe that God is triune, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, eternal and unchanging in all of His Being and attributes. We fully believe in the biblical doctrines described in the Apostles' Creed and are part of the Evangelical Reformed tradition which we consider to be most faithful to the New Testament.
1.2. Bible
We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of the never-changing, inerrant, and infallible God, being the only source of perfect authority to evaluate all things. Therefore, the Holy Scripture is our only rule of faith and practice.
1.3. Creation
We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things. The entire universe and all beings were created by His power and will as described in the book of Genesis. We deny evolutionary theories to be nothing more than inventions of fallen Man who opposes God.
1.4 Salvation
We affirm the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, God-Man, only and sufficient Saviour, since there is no other name given under heaven by which it matters that we are saved.
2.1. Family
We believe that the family is a project of God, precious and loved by Him, instituted at the time of Man's creation. It is God, and He alone, who defines what the family is and how it is constituted. The family as God created it is constituted by the union between a man and a woman and their offspring.
2.2. Wedding
Marriage only exists when there is a conjugal union between a man and a woman, formally recognized by the civil authorities.
2.3. Determination of Sex
We believe that God created man in His image and likeness, and made him, as described in the Bible, male and female. We further defend that life begins at conception and that the newly formed human being already has a sex determined by God, which no man, whether by arrogance or depravity, can change in any way.
We believe that education is the means par excellence to build a healthy society and that it should reach all people. Parents are primarily responsible for the education of children, not the state or any other institution. We defend the need for children and adolescents to be taught Christian values and principles.