Home Education and Individual Education are legal and duly regulated alternative education modes to attending an educational establishment. Crescer na Palavra has supported Christian families who choose these modalities as part of their own family project. If you want to know more about these options, contact us!
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Declaration of Children's Rights
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Constitution of the Portuguese Republic
Freedom of Education Act
(except for article 3, revoked by Decree-Law 125/82 of 22 April, the latter revoked by Decree-Law 21/2015 of 3 February)
Basic Law of the Educational System
1997 Amendment
2005 Amendment
Revocation of paragraph 4 of article 6
Mandatory Schooling Regime, complemented by Decree-Law 176/2012 of 2 August.
Ordinance with the rules and procedures for the design and operation of the general basic education curriculum and specialized artistic courses, as well as the assessment and certification of learning
Approval of Essential Learning in Basic Education
Basic Law of Private and Cooperative Education Amendment of 2012
1st Domestic Education Law (1949)
Ordinance that regulates Home Education and Individual Education (2019)
Home Education is that which is taught, in the student's home, by a family member or by a person who lives with him/her.
Individual education is that which is given by a qualified teacher to a single student outside an educational establishment.
Yes. The freedom to learn and teach and the right to education are recognized and guaranteed as fundamental rights in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These rights are attributed to parents, who are responsible for choosing the type of education to give to their children. The State is responsible for cooperating with parents in the education of their children. Therefore, the right of parents to participate in the education of their children and the fundamental right to education are supported by the Basic Law of the Educational System.
The law that regulates this type of education presents it as being for all families that, for reasons of a strictly personal nature or professional mobility, intend to assume greater responsibility in the education of their children or students. However, there are certain requirements that must be met by families who intend to apply for this type of education. Firstly, Home Education must be taught by a family member or by a person who lives with the student and the Educational Responsible must have at least a degree.
The law that regulates this type of education presents it as being for all families that, for reasons of a strictly personal nature or professional mobility, intend to assume greater responsibility in the education of their children or students. However, in this modality, teaching must be given by a teacher qualified for teaching, under the terms of the legislation in force, to a single student outside an educational establishment.
Both types of education are applicable to students covered by compulsory education, who wish to attend general basic education and scientific-humanistic courses, that is, from the 1st year to the 12th year of schooling.
Yes. Attendance at compulsory education that goes from the 1st to the 12th year of schooling, in any type of education, is subject to registration. Therefore, students who intend to attend Home Schooling or Individual Education are covered by this obligation. However, the registration process requires the completion of other steps described in question # 10.
In Home Education, the Educational Responsible must hold at least a bachelor's degree.
In Individual Teaching, the Educational Responsible must be qualified for teaching, under the terms of the legislation in force, that is, Individual Teaching always depends on a qualified teacher.
Yes. After submitting the application for enrollment (Question 10) it is up to the Director of the school to decide on it, within 15 working days from the date of registration of the application at the school. If the request is granted, the Director will send the draft of the Collaboration Protocol to the Guardian. After this, the Guardian must then send the Director a proposal for a protocol and only after the signing of the same by both parties does the enrollment become effective. Chapter III - Article 11 - Enrollment Application Decision
Yes, with regard to its principles, vision, values and areas of competence of the Profile of Students at Compulsory Schooling with reference to the curricular documents in force for each subject, namely the Essential Learnings for each cycle of schooling in basic education and of the subjects of the scientific-humanistic courses as well as the obligatory themes of Citizenship and Development. The truth is that although there is freedom with regard to teaching methodologies, there is no choice of curriculum as students enrolled in these modalities are subject to an assessment at the end of each cycle and this assessment is made according to the programs national goals and curriculum goals.
No. In Home Education and Individual Education there are no mandatory methods or materials in the teaching/learning process. The family is free to apply different methodologies. However, it is necessary to comply with what is stipulated in the collaboration protocol, which should explain the management of the curriculum to be adopted, as well as the forms of follow-up and monitoring, by the school, of the learning carried out by the student.
The follow-up and monitoring of the educational process is carried out by the enrolling school through a tutor-teacher appointed by the school director. The tutor-teacher must monitor the student's educational process by assessing the portfolio in a joint meeting with the Education Supervisor and his student. The portfolio must contain an organized record of the work and learning carried out by the student, as well as their self-assessment and an appraisal of the work developed by the Educational Responsible. The regularity of the assessment must be defined in the collaboration protocol signed by both parties at the beginning of each academic year.
Students enrolled in these types of education are subject to an assessment at the end of each cycle and this assessment is carried out in accordance with the National Programs and Curriculum Goals. This means that students perform at the enrollment school the equivalence tests for attendance in the final years of each cycle - 4th, 6th and 9th year - as self-proposed students. With regard to secondary education, students take the equivalence tests for attendance in the final years of each subject, also in the school of enrollment.
By choosing Home Schooling or Individual Education, the family is, first and foremost, taking on greater responsibility for the education of their children. Freedom therefore brings responsibility. This freedom/responsibility is reflected in the choice of methodologies to be applied in the educational process, respecting the rhythms of learning, the individual interests of the student, the experiences that stimulate knowledge, as well as the possibility of greater integration of teaching in experiences and daily experiences in family and community according to the values and principles of each one of them.
The socialization of children goes far beyond the school context. In fact, it starts in the family and extends to the entire community of which it is an integral part and which includes friends, neighbors, teachers and colleagues in curricular enrichment activities, among other more institutional relationships. The fact is that children enrolled in these types of education tend to have more availability and flexibility in their daily routines to live in the surrounding community and interact with it.
Home Schooling and One-to-One Teaching
The education of our children, in a holistic way, has always been a very present concern. We always want to get it right, always do the best, realizing that, at such a young age, where so many things are defined, less right decisions can have complicated impacts on the lives of our loved ones. So, despite being a little apprehensive at first, as it is something innovative, it has been a blessing to receive the cooperation of the CNP in the formation of our son as a person. Thank you very much! (Ruben R.)
I spent 6 years in Home Teaching and Growing in the Word gave me the opportunity to make new friends and try new things. I did things I didn't even know I could do! I'm grateful to God for all He has done in my life through Growing in the Word. (Marta S.)
Home Schooling up to 9th grade gave me a lot of freedom! During all the years in Home Schooling I received the perfect foundation to move to a public school in the 10th grade and to prepare myself for the world, with broad horizons. Growing in the Word has walked with us… it is not just a group of people and families, but a small family. (Marta H.)